RollingHills02I received the following question:

I can’t remember what you said about aion/olam. Did you say that it is an adjective translated as a noun and adverb?  What is a short explanation of that?  Any quick passages that should be used for that.

The word “aion” or “olam” is a noun. It is used in a prepositional phrase (a preposition plus a noun,) “for the olam” or “for the aion.” However, our translators have translated this phrase using an infinitive phrase (a preposition plus a verb or adverb,) “for ever.” (“Ever” is an adverb telling “how long,” and so this is an infinitive phrase.) I do not believe it is good translating to translate a prepositional phrase by an infinitive phrase. Moreover, the phrase “for the olam” does not mean “for ever,” but for the kingdom eon.

A passage illustrating that this should not be would be any passage that uses “for the eons of the eons.” An example of this is Revelation 22:5. Here, first of all, if you translate it “ever,” you should make it plural. Evers? Then, how can you have evers of the evers? This is just foolishness. Even the way they usually translate it, “for ever and ever,” makes little sense, for if something is “for ever,” how can it also be “and ever”? This makes no sense. The words “olam” and “aion” simply do not mean “ever.”